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Get resources ideal for small business owners that have been in business for over a year.

Displaying 1 - 10 of 238
Learn the Steps to Personal Finance to Empower your Business Funding
Join us for an in person workshop designed to help you elevate your small business funding by learning how to go back to the basics of personal finance.
Paid, Earned and Owned Media-Three Essential Elements to Marketing Success- July 10th


The Power of Connections: Leveraging Networking for Your Small Business - Aug 7th

"In the fast-paced, interconnected world of business, networking emerges not just as a skill, but as a vital tool for success. "

Defining Your Audience: The Power of Buyer Personas - June 5th

What is a Buyer Persona? A buyer persona is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer based on market research and real data about your existing customers.

Marketing to everyone the same way doesn’t work anymore. These in-depth personas help us relate to your customers uniquely and as real humans. Buyer personas can help you better understand who your customers are and how to best market to them.

10 Steps to Start your Business

Starting a business involves planning, making key financial decisions, and completing a series of legal activities. Read on to learn about each step.

1. Conduct market research

Market research will tell you if there’s an opportunity to turn your idea into a successful business. It’s a way to gather information about potential customers and businesses already operating in your area. Use that information to find a competitive advantage for your business.

How to make the most of your mentoring experience

A mentoring session is a confidential, personalized conversation with a business expert to answer a question or to solve a problem that you’re facing.

What To Expect During Your Score Mentor Meeting

This video will help you learn more about meeting  with  a SCORE Ann Arbor Area Mentor to help you be prepared for your Mentoring Session. 



How to Establish Nonprofit Partnerships That Work!


Demystifying Nonprofits: Is Starting a 501(c)(3) Public Charity Right for You?


SBA - Financing Your Business Overview
Are you ready to Finance your business? This SBA Video - "Financing Your Business Overview", will provide guidance on what is needed for SBA financing

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Washington, DC 20002

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Funded, in part, through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. All opinions, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA.

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