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Get resources ideal for small business owners that have been in business for over a year.

Displaying 1 - 10 of 1538
The Power of Advancing Women in Business

Join us for an enlightening exploration of "The Power of Advancing Women in Business." Discover five profound wisdoms into how women have the power to change the world and as leaders encourage and facilitate networking relationships. Our esteemed keynote speaker, Kimber Maderazzo will share her insights on building a peer community, providing access to ideas, resources, support, and mentorship. She will not only inspire but also provide practical strategies paving the way for mentorship opportunities and collaborative growth.

Online Workshop: Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program
Would You Like to Learn If the Goldman Sachs 10K Small Business Program is Right for You?
How Small Businesses Can Adapt to Changes in Consumer Behavior

The only true certainty about consumer behavior is that it’s always changing. 

How Businesses Obtain Credit
In this workshop, business owners will learn the value of creditworthiness and how to maintain a good business credit score.
World Class Innovation - Develop Value That Creates Success

According to the Harvard Business School, over 35,000 new consumer products are launched every year, and 95% of them fail! Why are companies like Johnson & Johnson so much more effective with innovation? Learn the concepts, protocols and secrets from a prior senior executive who helped Johnson & Johnson successfully launch over 100 products!

How to get More Customers NOW!
This workshop will be led by Tom Morgan, Outsourced VP of Sales at Breakthrough Sales Solutions. Tom will discuss the key drivers of an effective sales presentation, giving you the basics of how to sell effectively.
How to make the most of your mentoring experience

A mentoring session is a confidential, personalized conversation with a business expert to answer a question or to solve a problem that you’re facing.

Success Story
"Precision Meets Innovation - Made in NH" -Sequence BioTech, LLC
Build Your Business with Reference Solutions
Learn how Reference Solutions can help you gather data on millions of U.S. businesses and consumers and generate sales leads, marketing, and mailing lists.
Startup Expenses: How Much Does it Cost to Start a Small Business?
Lack of cash flow and planning are two primary reasons businesses fail. You can avoid this fate by researching your setup costs, planning how to operate your company, and keeping track of your operating expenses—all before you open your doors.

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Washington, DC 20002

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Funded, in part, through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. All opinions, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA.

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